How I came to Turkey
Where: Turkey
When: from May 24, 2005 until today.
Starring: Agata Bro, vel Ahududuk (me) & The King of Orange (him) & my readers, coworkers, family and friends.
May 24, 2005 I officially started writing a blog about Turkey.
On the same day my Turkish Adventure began. Who would have thought that it would continue to this day? :)
I was 25 years old, a year before I gratuated from Culture Studies in Poland, and I didn’t feel like settling down anywhere. I needed a change …
The offer to go to work in Turkey came by chance. Actually, I was looking for a job in France, as I was learning French…
Kader işte… :)
I did not know much about this country much more than that it was the home of kebab and the shaggy bearded short men…
But since I have always dreamed of “warm countries”, a house in Provence and walking most of the year in sandals, I packed my suitcase and – almost completely oblivious – I flew to Turkey.
And just before that, I started a blog to report on my adventures to family and friends.
My first job in Alanya was to catch customers to a Turkish bath in a hotel occupied mainly by Polish tourists. After few weeks I became – green as grass – a hotel guide of a travel agency.
Learning mainly from my own mistakes, I was falling in love with tourism.
After my return to Poland I decided to get a professional national travel guide license to come back better prepared.
The next seasons in Turkey, apart from various adventures, were marked for growing passion for the country. In the meantime, I also worked in Morocco in winter seasons. I went on smaller and larger journeys across Turkey and the world. I visited the Black Sea region, Eastern Turkey, Anatolia region, and all main must-see points of course like Cappadocia, Pamukkale, or my big love – Istanbul.
Currently, It’s been 9 years since I decided to abandon my life on suitcases and move to Turkey permanently. The attempt seems to be apparently successful, thanks to the active participation of “The King of Oranges” (this is a nick name of my today husband :))
Meeting this guy in 2008 radically changed my plans – It was supposed to be my last year in Turkey.
Kader işte… :)
In 2011 we bet everything on one card and set up an online
travel agency in Turkey. We serve tourists from abroad (mainly from Europe & US), and we organize local tours and
round tours around Turkey.
I’ve been blogging continuously.
At first, I was startled by the fact that my writing met with a keen interest. It turned out that there are a lot of fans of Turkey.
Through the blog I met many amazing people with whom I am sharing my love to this country. Thanks to the blog too I published a book with my friend Agata Wielgołaska and cooperated with guide publishers and travel magazines in Poland. Nowadays my blog is one of the biggests active websites about Turkey in Polish language. It got a few blog awards too.
The blog has been a constant part of my life for years.
In 2017 is time to do, what readers have asked me for a long time – to start a blog in English.
So have a nice comfortable seat, and enjoy your time here on my blog.
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Read also why I named my blog Alanya in Style? What is all about?